Individualized developmentally appropriate programs
Our Curriculum
Our centre offers individualized Developmentally Appropriate programs with a Montessori and Reggio Emilia influence to enhance Children’s learning to the highest level.
Our Curriculum also adheres to the National Quality Framework and the Victorian Early Years Learning Framework.
Our Team of Educators consists of various cultural backgrounds including Greek, Italian, Chinese, Indonesian, Malaysian, Indian, and Persian. If you would like any information translated or explained in your first language, please let us know and one of our Educators will be happy to assist.
“ The most important period of life is not the age of university studies, but the first one, the period from birth to the age of six” (Maria Montessori)

We know from experience and research that the first six years of life provide opportunities, never equalled again, and have an innate motivation to learn; therefore our program is rich with multi-sensory, self-directed learning.
The activities and experiences offered to children are age appropriate and reflect the individual needs and interests of the child.
Within the Reggio Emilio and Montessori approach, the environment is well prepared to allow children the freedom to respond to their natural drive to explore and learn. Great attention is given to the look and feel of the classroom, and children’s experiences are designed to draw children’s attention to the sensory properties of objects within the environment, including size, shape, colour, texture, weight, smell and sound, hence observing and appreciating their environment, which is the key in helping children discover how to learn.
The environment is organized to allow space for small and large group projects, and small intimate spaces for one, two or three children. The environment in each room is presented so that children can function independently. Each piece of equipment has a place on the shelf, therefore the children know where to find it and have the choice to manipulate with it on a table or on a mat on the floor.
Children absorb information and enhance their learning within their environment if they have an interest with the content of the program. The Reggio Emilia approach within our program builds upon the interests of children. Topics for study are captured from the observations of children’s interests, and team planning commences to formulate an emergent curriculum.
Documentation of children’s work in progress is viewed as an important tool in the learning process for children, childhood educators, and parents. Pictures of children engaged in experiences, their words as they discuss what they are doing, feeling and thinking and the children’s interpretation of experience through the visual media are displayed as a graphic presentation of learning.
Routines and transition times are a fundamental component of the daily program. Children’s individual routines are fostered within the program to ensure the needs of every child are met individually. Following a consistent daily schedule, allows children to feel more secure because they can predict the sequence of events, and have some control over their day. Children will be offered ample time to engage in activities freely chosen from a wide range of possibilities.

Our responsibility extends beyond the child
We value:
Importance of the Program – to ensure the program reflects the child’s interests and needs.
Enjoyment – therefore we structure the day so that it is enjoyable for the children and the Educators
Parent involvement – We honour the parent/child bond of attachment, which you have carefully nurtured since birth of your child’s life, and we follow this within the service. Our responsibility extends beyond the child, and we strive to serve you in you role as parent by offering parent meetings, family centre events, and discussions on various child development topics.
We celebrate the diversity in our families and Educators, and we welcome parent participation because we know that our success depends on all our community members’ involvement.
A professional and Supportive work environment – therefore Educators are flexible and responsive to the needs of others.

Our values
Leadership – Leading with our hearts and inspiring our children to do the same
Creativity – Innovate to create Magic moments for our children
Adventure – Embracing challenges
Community – Creating a strong sense of Community
Belonging – Create a sense of Belonging, Being, and Becoming